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Power Work Continues…

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Arduino-based Controller in Operation

After putting in many hours of work building a controller and deciphering old and incomplete manuals, I have made progress understanding how this box works but unfortunately I haven’t been able to get any voltage output yet. I’ve figured out all the signals and how they work and my Arduino controller, shown above, works as planned. In the picture above, the knob on the left adjusts the level of the output voltage between 0 and -60 kilovolts. On the right is the “operation” switch, basically an on-off switch. There is a green LED that indicates the switch is ON and there is a red flashing LED that indicates the high voltage is ready.

I figured out the three connectors in the high voltage receptacle and connected my high voltage probe to the proper one. Unfortunately, I have not gotten any voltage out despite tinkering with all the input lines in the system. It could be that the high voltage module is broken. I did confirm the internal computer boards are working and the inputs from the Arduino controller are correct. I should be getting some sort of output, but as you can see below, my meter reads zero.

I’ve pretty much confirmed this is a broken supply. Not surprising given how cheap it was. My next choice is to buy another one or build one.

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