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On The Threshold


The Good Karma Finally Ready for Serious Adventure

It’s getting quite cool, dare I say, COLD at night during October here in Maryland. It’s a relief from the oppressive heat just a few weeks ago. Whenever she feels cold, Shelly reminds herself that it is way better than the heat we experienced, and I agree. The Good Karma is not a heated boat, which is ok. We don’t expect that it’ll get unbearably cold before we move south.

I’ve been sick the last few days but my recovery is progressing. In the meantime, we’ve completed the big boat maintenance and upgrade project and nothing major is remaining, so we’re now putting our car up for sale. When that sale completes, we will have cut our “land ties” completely!


Dinghy Davits Completed and Outboard Mounted on Stern

We had one last item to finish today which was the crossbar for our davits. It took a few weeks to complete because you have to raise your dinghy on the davits, sans crossbar, to make some measurements. Kato then makes a custom fitted crossbar for you. It took a few weeks to get this done due to the navigation project and our trip to West Point and D.C.

We are now ready for some serious adventure. Due to hurricane season, and our boat insurance, we can’t really go south until November but we have many plans to explore the Chesapeake before we leave for good. Tomorrow calls for a lot of rain here, from the far outer bands of hurricane Matthew, but good after that.

The image below illustrates why you don’t want to be south of Virginia during hurricane season. We are located at the top end of the coast in this photo.


Hurricane Matthew: This Is Why We are in the Chesapeake in October

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